Publikacje w roku 2003
ID | Autorzy — Źródło — Tytuł |
Aerts C., Thoul A., Daszyńska J., Scuflaire R., Waelkens C., Dupret M.A., Niemczura E., Noels A. Science 300, 1926-1928 [DOI] Asteroseismology of HD 129929: core overshooting and nonrigid rotation |
Daszyńska J., Cugier H. Advances in Space Research 31, 381-386 (Proc. of the E1.6 Meeting of COSPAR Scientific Comm. F: Small Satellites for Astrophysical Research, 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warszawa, Polska, lipiec 2000, ed. A.Gimenez, N.Lund) [DOI] Far-ultraviolet light curves of the δ Scuti variable β Cassiopeiae |
Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Dziembowski W.A., Pamyatnykh A.A. Astronomy & Astrophysics 407, 999-1006 [DOI] [arXiv] Constraints on stellar convection from multi-colour photometry of δ Scuti stars |
Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Dziembowski W.A., Pamyatnykh A.A. Astrophysics & Space Science 284, 133-136 (Proc. of the conference: Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram, Porto, Portugalia, 1-5 lipca 2002, ed. M.J.Thompson, M.S.Cunha, M.J.P.F.G.Monteiro) [DOI] Photometric nonadiabatic obervables in rotating β Cephei models |
Daszyńska J., Niemczura E., Cugier H. Advances in Space Research 31, 387-392 (Proc. of the E1.6 Meeting of COSPAR Scientific Comm. F: Small Satellites for Astrophysical Research, 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warszawa, Polska, lipiec 2000, ed. A.Gimenez, N.Lund) [DOI] The metallicity of β Cephei stars on the basis of the satellite ultraviolet spectra |
Dąbrowski B., Rompolt B., Falewicz R., Rudawy P., Siarkowski M. ESA SP-535 (Proc. of the ISCS Symposium 2003: Solar Variability as an Input to the Earth's Environment, Tatranská Lomnica, Słowacja, 23-28 czerwca 2003, ed. A.Wilson), str. 491-494 [strona CDS] Relationship between solar radio spikes observed at 1420 MHz and solar active phenomena |
Dziembowski W.A., Jerzykiewicz M. A.S.P. Conference Series 305, 319-326 (Proc. of the international conf. on Magnetic fields in O, B, and A stars, Mmabatho, R.P.A., 27 listopada - 1 grudnia 2002, ed. L.A.Balona, H.F.Henrichs, R.Medupe) [strona CDS] ν Eridani: a very slowly rotating and possibly magnetic β Cephei star |
Gacka I. Astrophysics & Space Science 284, 1069-1085 [DOI] Investigation of the long-periodic orbits of Trojan-type asteroids in the outer solar system |
Jerzykiewicz M., Kopacki G., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Kołaczkowski Z. Acta Astronomica 53, 151-165 [strona AcA] A CCD search for variable stars of spectral type B in the Northern Hemisphere open clusters. V. NGC 2169 |
Kopacki G., Jerzykiewicz M., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Kołaczkowski Z. Astrophysics & Space Science 284, 339-342 (Proc. of the conference: Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram, Porto, Portugalia, 1-5 lipca 2002, ed. M.J.Thompson, M.S.Cunha, M.J.P.F.G.Monteiro) Variable stars in NGC 2169 from CCD photometry |
Kopacki G., Kołaczkowski Z., Pigulski A. Astronomy & Astrophysics 398, 541-550 [DOI] [arXiv] Variable stars in the globular cluster M 13 |
Migała K., Getko R. w: Studia Geograficzne 75, Man and Climate in the 20th Century, str. 219 (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego) [strona WUWr] Solar activity cycles and problem of global warming |
Molenda-Żakowicz J. Astrophysics & Space Science 284, 363-366 (Proc. of the conference: Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram, Porto, Portugalia, 1-5 lipca 2002, ed. M.J.Thompson, M.S.Cunha, M.J.P.F.G.Monteiro) Multiperiodicity of Be and Bn stars |
Niemczura E. Astronomy & Astrophysics 404, 689-700 [DOI] Metallicities of the SPB stars from the IUE ultraviolet spectra |
Niemczura E., Daszyńska J., Cugier H. Advances in Space Research 31, 399-404 (Proc. of the E1.6 Meeting of COSPAR Scientific Comm. F: Small Satellites for Astrophysical Research, 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warszawa, Polska, lipiec 2000, ed. A.Gimenez, N.Lund) [DOI] The mean stellar parameters from IUE and Hipparcos data |
Opolski A. Urania - Postępy Astronomii 74 (6/2003), 256 Puste ogniska eliptycznych orbit planetarnych |
Pigulski A., Kołaczkowski Z. Astrophysics & Space Science 284, 375-378 (Proc. of the conference: Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram, Porto, Portugalia, 1-5 lipca 2002, ed. M.J.Thompson, M.S.Cunha, M.J.P.F.G.Monteiro) Discovery of β Cephei stars in the Magellanic Clouds |
Pigulski A., Kołaczkowski Z., Kopacki G. Acta Astronomica 53, 27-50 [strona AcA] [arXiv] Reanalysis of the OGLE-I observations with the image subtraction method. I. Galactic bar fields MM1-A, MM1-B, MM7-A, and MM7-B |
Połubek G. Advances in Space Research 31, 393-398 (Proc. of the E1.6 Meeting of COSPAR Scientific Comm. F: Small Satellites for Astrophysical Research, 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warszawa, Polska, lipiec 2000, ed. A.Gimenez, N.Lund) [DOI] Ultraviolet light curves of eclipsing binary stars. I. The catalogue of IUE data |
Radziszewski K., Rudawy P. ESA SP-535 (Proc. of the ISCS Symposium 2003: Solar Variability as an Input to the Earth's Environment, Tatranská Lomnica, Słowacja, 23-28 czerwca 2003, ed. A.Wilson), str. 503-506 [strona CDS] Complex analysis of two eruptive events associated with CMEs observed on 2 August 2000 |
Rudawy P., Cader-Sroka B., Rompolt B., Szuszakiewicz E., Garczyńska I. ESA SP-535 (Proc. of the ISCS Symposium 2003: Solar Variability as an Input to the Earth's Environment, Tatranská Lomnica, Słowacja, 23-28 czerwca 2003, ed. A.Wilson), str. 507-509 [strona CDS] 3D evolution of an eruptive prominence of 15 May 2000 and the associated active phenomena |
Thoul A., Ausseloos M., Barban C., Briquet M., Bourge P.-O., Cuypers J.,Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., De Cat P., De Ridder J., Dupret M.-A., Montalban J., Noels A., Scuflaire R., Uytterhoeven K., Aerts C. Communications in Asteroseismology 143, 25-28 [strona CoAst] A hare and hound in a BAG: asteroseismology of β Cephei stars |
Tomczak M. ESA SP-535 (Proc. of the ISCS Symposium 2003: Solar Variability as an Input to the Earth's Environment, Tatranská Lomnica, Słowacja, 23-28 czerwca 2003, ed. A.Wilson), str. 465-470 [strona CDS] Kinematics of X-ray ejections |